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For AI access for all, investment is the key, says Microsoft's Brad Smith

For AI access for all, investment is the key, says Microsoft's Brad Smith

AI has immense potential, but guardrails alone won’t ensure its benefits reach everyone. According to Microsoft Vice Chair and President Brad Smith, policies must ensure AI is safe and secure, but equitable access requires more—investment. Just as electricity took over a century to reach parts of the world, Smith says AI’s widespread adoption depends on economic strategies that go beyond values. It's a balance of ethics and action to ensure AI’s benefits are felt globally.

Smith spoke during GZERO’s Global Stage livestream, “Live from the United Nations: Securing our Digital Future,” an event produced in partnership between the Complex Risk Analytics Fund, or CRAF’d, and GZERO Media’s Global Stage series, sponsored by Microsoft.

Watch more from Global Stage.

More from Global Stage

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Can we use AI to secure the world's digital future?

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Why Giles Duley advocates for the forgotten victims of war

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