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Graphic Truth: Corruption in Canada and the US

Graphic Truth: Corruption in Canada and the US
Luisa Vieira
Creative Director, Senior Editor/Producer

The United States is larger, more powerful, and — these days — unfriendlier than Canada. But it’s also seen to be way more corrupt. According to Transparency International’s latest Corruption Perceptions Index, Canada ranks as the 15th most transparent government in the world. The US, meanwhile, languishes at 28th.

But both countries have seen industry and expert perceptions of transparency and the rule of law deteriorate steadily in the 13 years that the study has been done. The US notched its lowest-ever score in the new report, partly based on perceptions of declining ethical standards in the judiciary during the Biden administration. Here’s a look at how Canada and the US have stacked up on the index since its inception in 2012.