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Graphic Truth: The global arms market today

Graphic Truth: The global arms market today

Graphic by Paige Fusco & Ari Winkleman / GZERO Media

Creative Director, Senior Editor/Producer

In a world increasingly worried about war, who sells the most weapons?

The United States is still top dog, accounting for more than 40% of global exports – more than the next eight countries combined. But the market for weaponry has shifted significantly in recent years, according to the latest benchmark report by SIPRI.

Imports by Ukraine have grown more than 9,500% since 2020, making it the world’s number one weapons recipient. At the same time, exports from Russia, the number three producer, fell by more than 60% as the Kremlin hoards material for its ongoing invasion of the country. But which countries would you guess are the number 2-5 exporters and importers?

Here we take a look at the biggest arms buyers and sellers in the world today.