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Fiona Hill: January 6 rioters should sue Trump

Fiona Hill: January 6 Rioters Should Sue Trump | GZERO World

One year after the US Capitol insurrection, what's the state of American democracy? For former US national security official Fiona Hill, not good.

"We're still grappling with the ongoing consequences of that particular event," she says. In her view, the events of January 6, 2021 laid bare "the deep divisions, the partisan infighting, the polarization within our society" — which resulted in American citizens storming "a building that is supposed to be a unifying symbol, symbol of freedom, of representational democracy, not of repression."

For Hill, we haven't fully processed yet what a big deal it all was. Why? One reason is that we lack a common narrative on what actually happened between Democrats and Republicans.

She also thinks those facing the music for January 6 should realize they've been lied to. Once they recognize that, Hill says, she'd sue those that egged them on under false pretenses — starting with former president Donald Trump.

Watch her interview with Ian Bremmer in the upcoming episode of GZERO World.