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Our unsustainably unequal world

Ian Explains: Our Unsustainably Unequal World | GZERO World

The past is still very much with us.

It's almost the first anniversary of Russia's war in Ukraine. On March 11, it'll be three years since the World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic. And 2022 was the sixth warmest year on record since ... 1880.

We are still dealing with the fallout from all three events. But not equally.

Since 2020, the richest 1% of people has accumulated nearly two-thirds of all the new wealth created in the world. Just 10% of the population owns three-quarters of global wealth — and account for nearly half of carbon emissions.

What can we do to turn this around?

Watch the GZERO World episode: Inequality isn't inevitable - if global communities cooperate