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The “authoritarian honeymoon” is over, says John Kerry

The “Authoritarian Honeymoon” Is Over, Says John Kerry | GZERO World

Although the war in Ukraine may change things somewhat, the leaders of China and Russia have recently been on a sort of authoritarian honeymoon because they think America is declining.

John Kerry, former US Secretary of State and current climate czar, pushes back against the narrative that this will be "the century of the authoritarian."

"That is a very serious misconception" on their part, he explains, because regardless of the current political problems, the Unites States retains its capacity to innovate and produce. Just look at COVID vaccines. Also, when "threatened as a nation and threatened in a way of life, Americans will unite and come together, as we have in the past. And we are to be reckoned with."

Meanwhile, he adds, both China and Russia face a looming demographic crunch that'll hit their economies hard because their populations are getting too old, too fast.

Watch the GZERO World episode: Ukraine War: Has Putin overplayed his hand?