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Europe can show solidarity with Ukraine despite depending on Russian gas

Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, shares his perspective from Europe:

Can Europe have solidarity with Ukraine while also being dependent on Russian gas?

Yes, it can. There is no question that the territorial integrity and sovereignty of Ukraine is of fundamental interest for European security. And you see that both Europeans and America are expressing concerns over what they see as possible moves on the Russian side. And clear signals are being sent in the direction of Moscow irrespective of anything that has to do with gas.

How is Europe managing the new COVID wave?

It is disturbing. We see a fourth wave, no question about that. We see it primarily in the more eastern part of the EU and the European continent. It is primarily the unvaccinated that are affected by it and in some countries, vaccination rates are much too low. So, it is important to get up with the number of vaccinations, be careful, and don't believe that it's over until it's over. No one is safe until everyone is safe.