Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, shares his perspective on Europe In 60 Seconds:
With COVID increasing in France, Germany, Spain, and elsewhere, has Europe lost control of the pandemic?
Well, I wouldn't say lost control, but clearly it is a very worrying situation. With COVID increasing virtually everywhere, we see a new wave of semi-lockdowns... it's not as bad as it was in the spring... with the hope of being able to contain the surge during the month of November. Let's wait and see.
What's going to be the impact of Ukraine's local election for President Zelensky and his policies?
The local election was undoubtedly a major setback for President Zelensky and his party, and there has been a number of them. He has sort of lost the momentum that he had a year ago, and that has been obvious also in the anti-corruption efforts. So, he needs to rapidly regain momentum, in my opinion. Let's see what happens.