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Living Beyond Borders Podcasts


Listen: "We are coming out of a period of uncertainty," says David Bailin, Chief Investment Officer at Citi Global Wealth. "We've all been thinking it would go much faster than it has, but in the event we get to a more normal economy in 2024, given how vastly impactful COVID was, I think that that's a pretty fast outcome."

In the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a podcast produced in partnership between GZERO and Citi Global Wealth Investments, Bailin is joined by Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer to discuss what's happened so far on the economic and political stage, and what we might look forward to in the back half of the year and into 2024.

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Listen: Following shortages that came out of the COVID pandemic as well as the war in Ukraine, the dual food problems of affordability and availability persist. While temporary impacts may be waning, the experts also discuss the longer-term impacts of the global food production system on the environment and what will - or won't - be sustainable going forward, including the food system's massive dependence on fossil fuels. In the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, Peter Ceretti, Director of Global Macro Geo Strategy at Eurasia Group, Harlin Singh, Global Head of Sustainable Investing, and Malcolm Spittler, Global Investment Strategist, and Senior US Economist, both at Citi Global Wealth Investments, discuss the latest causes and ripple effects of food shortages around the globe.

In Planting for Tomorrow: Weaving sustainability into the path toward food security, a report from Citi Global Wealth and Eurasia Group/GZERO Media, we take a deep dive into the challenges and the innovations in sustainable agriculture. This newsletter gives you an essential look into the future of food.

Check it out here

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Listen: "We're entering into another leg of a continued industrial revolution which is going to be marked by collaboration between humans and machines," says Archie Foster, Managing Director and Head of Thematic Equities at Citi Investment Management. "This will include industrial automation, robotics, and AI," he adds.

In the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a podcast produced in partnership between GZERO and Citi Global Wealth Investments, Foster is joined by Dev Saxena, Director of Eurasia Group's Geo-technology Practice, to go beyond the hype surrounding generative AI and ChatGPT to understand how it can truly affect the economy and our political systems in the coming months.

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Listen: "I think we're entering into a period when it will be more attractive to invest outside of the US and to invest in China and Pan-Asia than we've probably seen in the last few years," says David Bailin, Chief Investment Officer at Citi Global Wealth.

In the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a podcast produced in partnership between GZERO and Citi Global Wealth Investments, Bailin is joined by Ian Bremmer, President and Founder of Eurasia Group and GZERO Media, to get the latest on the relationship between the United States and China, and their power over the rest of the world.

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Listen: "It actually all comes down to one thing and that's money," says Raad Alkadiri, Managing Director of Energy, Climate and Resources at Eurasia Group. "Will there be the money for investment in renewables, in energy efficiency made available? And I'm not just talking about the industrialized world, I'm talking about globally."

In the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a podcast produced in partnership between GZERO and Citi Global Wealth Investments, Alkadiri is joined by Malcolm Spittler, Global Investment Strategist and Senior US Economist at Citi Global Wealth Investments, to look at where the energy transition to renewable fuels stands globally, after setbacks from the pandemic and geopolitical instability.

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Listen: "Other than the impacts of the pandemic, which are easing, and from Russia/Ukraine, I'd say that the greatest risk to global supply chains today and moving forward will likely be from the US-China relationship, and the movement towards selective decoupling," says Jon Lang, Director for Trade and Supply Chains at Eurasia Group.

In the latest episode of Living Beyond Borders, a podcast produced in partnership between GZERO and Citi Global Wealth Investments, Lang is joined by Charlie Reinhard, Head of Investment Strategy for North America at Citi Global Wealth Investments, to discuss how global supply chains have largely adapted to and moved on from changes that occurred during the global pandemic.

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Listen: "During the course of this year, the Fed will not be concerned only with inflation as the months go by; increasingly the pendulum will shift, and they'll be concerned about the employment part of their mandate as well," says Charlie Reinhard, Head of Investment Strategy for North America at Citi Global Wealth Investments.

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