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Search Results for Eurasia Group Foundation

COP28: Why farmers need to be front and center in climate talks

COP28: Why farmers need to be front and center in climate talks

Agriculture is the foundation of human civilization, the economic activity that makes every other endeavor possible. But historically, says International Fertilizer Association Director General Alzbeta Klein — at a GZERO Live event organized by Sustainability Leaders Council, a partnership between Eurasia Group, GZERO Media, and Suntory — the subject hasn't received attention in climate talks.

What kind of foreign policy do Americans want?
US & Canada

What kind of foreign policy do Americans want?

That’s the basic question posed by a new survey from the Eurasia Group Foundation, a public education nonprofit founded by Ian Bremmer that is separate from Eurasia Group, our parent company.

David Miliband and Ian Bremmer discuss the Atlas of Impunity
GZERO World Clips

David Miliband and Ian Bremmer discuss the Atlas of Impunity

What is power without accountability? Impunity. On GZERO World, Ian Bremmer and President and CEO of the International Rescue Committee, David Miliband, discuss the Atlas of Impunity, a global project created by Eurasia Group, the Chicago Council on Global Affairs, and funded by the Open Society Foundations. You can find the Atlas of Impunity at: The Atlas ranks every country in the world on five aspects of impunity: conflicts, human rights, governance, economic exploitation, and environmental degradation.

Ian Bremmer: Global middle class erosion making people hungrier — and angrier

Ian Bremmer: Global middle class erosion making people hungrier — and angrier

Until recently, global development had been defined by globalization, especially when it comes to a growing middle class and poverty reduction. Not anymore, Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer said during a livestream conversation about the global food crisis hosted by GZERO Media in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.

Will the Ukraine War succeed where COVID failed?

Will the Ukraine War succeed where COVID failed?

Many of us thought the pandemic would shake up the "sclerosis" in deeply dysfunctional pre-COVID politics. It did not."We have to admit the pandemic wasn't a big enough crisis" to improve things like the US-China relationship or American political polarization, Eurasia Group & GZERO Media President Ian Bremmer said during a livestream discussion on equitable vaccine distribution hosted by GZERO Media in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Will the potential for war with nuclear-armed Russia be big enough to create further global cooperation? Yes, but two things also come to mind.

The US couldn’t have won in Afghanistan - but Biden’s mistakes lost US credibility
The Red Pen

The US couldn’t have won in Afghanistan - but Biden’s mistakes lost US credibility

In a Wall Street Journal op-ed, former National Security Adviser H.R. McMaster and Bradley Bowman of the Foundation for Defense of Democracies. argue that maintaining US military, financial, and political support in Afghanistan could have staved off a Taliban takeover. Ian Bremmer and Eurasia Group analyst Charles Dunst take out the Red Pen to break down why staying in Afghanistan is not a reasonable option.

Hope in the aftermath of COVID: Town Hall on vaccines, global cooperation, and equitable recovery

Hope in the aftermath of COVID: Town Hall on vaccines, global cooperation, and equitable recovery

The coronavirus is the biggest crisis of the 21st century. Yet the global response lacked the international coordination that marked other major crises in recent history. Why? Probably because the sheer scale of the public health emergency overwhelmed most countries, including the US, the world's largest economy.

The virtually zero coordination was "astonishing," Eurasia Group President Ian Bremmer said during a special town hall hosted on December 4th by GZERO Media in partnership with the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and Eurasia Group, moderated by CNBC health care correspondent Bertha Coombs. Also surpassing, Bremmer added, was the fact that many nations that we expected to do well ended up failing as the pandemic became politicized, they didn't lead with science, and were slow to act.

Watch our expert panel on reasons for hope in the COVID crisis

Watch our expert panel on reasons for hope in the COVID crisis

Watch the recording of GZERO Media virtual Town Hall, "Reasons for Hope: COVID and the Coming Year," presented in partnership with Eurasia Group and The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. Our panel discussed the road ahead in the global response to the COVID crisis. Will there be more multilateral cooperation on issues like gender equality moving forward from the pandemic? Watch the event here: