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Podcast: China's uphill battles, from Putin to COVID: Newsweek's Melinda Liu
Listen:The relationship between Putin and Xi is a "marriage of convenience," journalistMelinda Liu tells Ian Bremmer on the GZERO World podcast. Russia's war in Ukraine has put China in an awkward spot: they condemn the invasion, but not the invader.
Liu, who has been Newsweek's Beijing bureau chief for decades, believes that Xi is likely as isolated and surrounded by sycophants as Putin, which makes predicting what he'll do next very hard. Chinese coverage of the war hasn’t been consistent, and neither is China’s historical relationships with Ukraine and Russia.
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Russia-Ukraine war: Where China stands and why it matters
Russia-Ukraine war: Where China stands and why it matters
The West is in a cold war with Russia. No matter what happens on the ground in Ukraine, the relationship between Russia and the West is irrevocably broken. Even if we were to see a peace settlement stipulating a full Russian retreat (a massive if), so long as Russian President Vladimir Putin is in power, this genie is not going back in the bottle.
Thankfully, this new cold war does not extend to China. Yet.
Despite its warming ties with Russia, China still has a functional and stable (if deteriorating) relationship with the United States and Europe. Unlike with Russia, there is no significant economic and diplomatic decoupling taking place.
This means that while the war in Ukraine may cause a recession in Europe, put downward pressure on global growth, and make life worse for the world’s poorest, it won’t trigger a fundamental break in the global economy. Russia is just not large enough of an economic player to have a meaningful effect on the trajectory of globalization.
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However, should China decide to throw its full weight behind Russia in its war of aggression against Ukraine, that would unleash the mother of all cold wars: one pitting the U.S., Europe, and their Indo-Pacific allies against both Russia and China.
Given that China is set to be the world’s largest economy as soon as 2030, the decoupling that would ensue would put an end to globalization, as trade and investment flows become fragmented into two separate geopolitical blocs. In fact, that would be much worse than a cold war: it’d be a wholesale bifurcation of the global economy and a truly tectonic shift in the global order.
How likely is this scenario?
We already know the Chinese are strategically aligned with Russia. Putin was welcomed by Xi Jinping in Beijing right before he launched his invasion of Ukraine, and we strongly suspect Xi both knew about it and blessed it (although the Chinese strongly deny it). The prospect of an invasion didn’t stop him from publicly announcing that Russia was China’s best friend on the global stage.
Putin attended the opening ceremony of the Beijing 2022 Winter Games.Kremlin Press Office/Anadolu Agency via Getty Images
That said, it’s very likely that Xi was assured—as Putin himself believed at the time—that the “military operation” would be short, bloodless, and would meet little effective resistance (either from Ukrainians or from the West). Ever since it has become clear that the war could blow back on them economically and geopolitically, the Chinese have staked a more neutral public position, maintaining friendly relations with Ukraine and Russia alike, urging de-escalation, providing humanitarian aid, encouraging peace talks, offering to play a mediating role, and professing support for Ukrainian sovereignty. This has been constructive, even if only marginally so.
At the same time, Chinese actions have been decidedly aligned with Russia. Beijing opposes sanctions and refused to censure Russia’s invasion at the United Nations General Assembly. Chinese state media and social media censors have taken a stridently pro-Russian editorial line, going as far as spreading Russian disinformation about fictional American bioweapons labs in Ukraine, banning pro-Ukrainian messaging, and embedding “journalists” with Russian troops on the ground. And in a telling move, the Chinese ambassador to Russia recently urged a gathering of top Chinese investors in Russia to seize the opportunity to buy up distressed Russian assets and do more business with Russia.
Most worryingly, on March 13 U.S. officials reported that Russia had asked China for economic and military assistance to support its war effort, including surface-to-air missiles, armored vehicles, and drones. According to a leaked diplomatic cable obtained by the Financial Times, Washington believes China is willing to accede to Moscow’s request, although the claim remains disputed. U.S. National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan warned China that there would “absolutely be consequences for large-scale sanctions evasion efforts or support to Russia to backfill them.” Beijing responded by calling the reports “fake news.”The next day, Sullivan and China’s top foreign policy advisor Yang Jiechi met for seven hours in Rome, in what U.S. administration officials described as an “intense” exchange of views. The meeting did not produce any clarity about China’s intentions, although a March 15 statement by Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi seemed to suggest China would not provide direct support to Moscow. “China is not a party to the crisis, nor does it want sanctions to affect China,” Wang said.
Still, given the accuracy of U.S. intelligence warnings over the last couple of months and the potential implications of such a move, the reports can’t be dismissed. A decision by China to provide direct military support to Russia would amount to actively taking Moscow’s side in the war, triggering U.S. and European sanctions and precipitating a long-term geopolitical fracture between China and the West.
At this point, it’s unclear what the Chinese will do.
On the one hand, Xi Jinping has already publicly bet on Putin, shares a long-term strategic interest with him in balancing against U.S. influence, and genuinely believes Russia is justified in fighting back against what he perceives to be Western containment—a containment he also sees reflected in the West’s actions in Asia. That makes it hard for him to climb down too much.
On the other hand, the Chinese government has enough problems to worry about at home to get painted into a corner with an increasingly isolated Russia. They are dealing with slowing economic growth, surging Covid cases, and mounting lockdowns, at a time when Xi Jinping is determined to ensure stability ahead of October’s 20th Party Congress. China has no desire to get embroiled in a cold war that would threaten domestic stability, nor is it interested in a radical decoupling of its economy from the rest of the world’s. That puts a guardrail on the potential for direct engagement.My expectation is that the West won’t end up in a cold war with the Chinese and the Russians together. China will continue to sit on the fence, maintaining normal trade relations with Russia where sanctions allow it while refusing to directly come to Putin’s aid to avoid decisive breaks with the West.
But as long as Beijing refuses to distance itself from its new strategic partner and Russia becomes more and more integrated with China economically, financially, and technologically, the risk of knock-on decoupling will remain elevated. The China-West relationship is therefore likely to get worse for the foreseeable future.
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China’s place in the war in Ukraine
Ian Bremmer's Quick Take: Hi, everybody. Ian Bremmer here, from New Orleans of all things. I have a little bit of work down here and I thought I would bring you an opening to the week, our Quick Take.
So much going on with the war. I haven't talked much yet about China and its relations to what's going on in Ukraine, but it is coming a bigger and a bigger deal because at the end of the day, no matter what happens on the ground in Ukraine, the relationship economically between Russia and the West is broken. It is not coming back as long as Putin is there. The Europeans are going to spend more on defense. Structurally, they will end their energy dependence and much of their trade with Russia. That is, I mean even if you were to have a peace settlement and the Russians all leave Ukraine, which is not about to happen, you would still break that relationship.
But China's a different story, and if there were a knock-on impact that created a decoupling between China and the United States, China and Europe, that would be a massive, truly tectonic change in the way we think about the global order. That's much more than a Cold War. That's a bifurcation of the global economy. It's an end of globalization if it really happens. I don't think we are on track for that, but I recognize that it's a danger, and in part that's really come out over the last 24 hours to the greatest degree. Of course, Xi Jinping welcoming Putin to Beijing before this invasion starts, clearly knows that the Russians are going to attack, but also would've been told, as Putin believed to himself at the time, that it's going to go well, they're going to be welcomed, it's going to be short. The Europeans, the Americans aren't going to be able to respond effectively, and so Xi is on board for that.
Now of course, life is a lot worse and the Chinese publicly saying they are friends with Ukraine and Russia, saying they want to facilitate, act as a mediator on the ground, all sounds good, except the reality of Chinese engagement is overwhelmingly on the Russian side. The Chinese military, state media, as well as social media dominated by pro-Russia commentary. Over the weekend, the most important trending issue on Chinese social media was bio military labs in Ukraine supported by the United States, complete disinformation that's been promoted by Russia. Chinese media actually has embedded journalists with Russian military on the ground in Ukraine. It's like CNN during the Iraq war. It's very patriotic, but very aligned with one side, and that of course is making a lot of people in NATO feel like the Chinese may be prepared to help the Russians evade sanctions and deal with the isolation that they're facing from the West.
Now so far, the Chinese have not done that. But they have been approached by the Russians for economic support and military support, and the most interesting point here is that that big story over the weekend was actually leaked by the White House. In other words, the day before, you have the most important bilateral meeting between the Americans and the Chinese since the war started, between Yang Jiechi and Jake Sullivan. Iin Rome today, you have the White House saying the Russians have been asking the Chinese for military support. You better not give it to them because if you do, we are going to punish you hard. That obviously was meant to put the Chinese on notice, and certainly the Chinese government would not be happy with that going out publicly the day before that meeting. It would embarrass them. It makes it pretty clear to me that the meeting's not going to go well, but that doesn't mean Xi Jinping won't pay attention. It's just not going to happen today.
So, I mean, I suspect that Yang is going to be in note-taking mode, in message passing mode, and then we'll see in short order whether or not the Chinese government takes it seriously or not. Look, on the one hand, the Chinese government has serious problems. They are dealing with slowing growth, knock-on big challenges from zero-COVID, port of Shenzhen, second largest in China, completely shut down for one week right now. You've got record levels of case numbers in the last two years in Jilin, in Shanghai, just the zero-COVID policy of Xi Jinping does not work. There's virtually no one in China that's gotten COVID, so you don't have natural immunity and antibodies and they don't have enough treatment, and they certainly don't have vaccines that in any way work. So what that means is they're going to be dealing with a lot more shutdowns, a lot more challenges economically, supply chain, over the course of this year, and Xi Jinping going for his third term at the end of the year.
In the middle of that, there's no way you want to be painted in a corner with the Russians as Putin is increasingly seen as a pariah from the perspective of the entire G7, all of the advanced industrial democracies. On the other hand, Xi Jinping has made that bet publicly. His people are not going to undermine him unless he changes his mind, and he does believe that the Americans and others are trying to contain China in Asia the same way that the Americans and others have tried to contain Russia in Europe, and they're not happy about that. So I do think there's danger here, even though my baseline is not that we end up in a Cold War with the Chinese and Russians together. I recognize that the relationship is likely to get worse, especially if, and as, we see more fighting on the ground in Ukraine, as I expect, more refugees, trending towards 3 million in Europe, Ukrainians as of today, as I expect, and as Putin is intransigent around what he demands from the Ukrainians and from the West.
So that's a little bit on where we are right now in China. We'll be watching this news coming up the next few hours. I hope everyone's doing well, and I'm getting back to New York. Be good.
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