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Virtual DNC builds enthusiasm but Dems should not get complacent
Virtual DNC Builds Enthusiasm but Dems Should Not Get Complacent | World In :60 | GZERO Media

Virtual DNC builds enthusiasm but Dems should not get complacent

Ian Bremmer shares his insights on this week's World In (More Than) 60 Seconds:

Number one, the DNC is underway, the Democratic National Convention, how do you think the first night went?

Well, it's weird, right? Because it's virtual. But the fact that it's virtual means that everybody gets to practice their speeches and get the cinematic quality right, before it actually goes out. So, I mean, you know, when you've got a whole bunch of money and you've got Hollywood sensibilities advising you, you can make it look really good. And that's what they did. So, I mean, I do think it was entertaining, it was engaging. I think from a more meaningful, substantive perspective, it is pretty clear that you have a broader tent that is focused on getting Trump out of office.

Now, I mean the other side of that is that Biden is not driving the train, right? I mean, there's not an immense amount of enthusiasm about the actual candidate. And Kamala Harris certainly helps, but ultimately, Biden is the presidential candidate. And, you know, he's not going to inspire the way that Obama did, or Michelle Obama did last night. But certainly, I don't think you're going to have Bernie Sanders delegates, you know, opposing Biden the way many did during 2016 when I was at the both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions then. It was quite something to see, just the dissonance inside what was not one happy tent. Here, you've got a lot of people that are very motivated because everyone's angry with Trump. And I think with Kasich as well, who I, you know, I know pretty well. And I mean, you know, is an older guy from Ohio and it's an important swing state, but ultimately, I don't think Kasich is the person that swings more people to vote for Trump. It's just that there are also, in addition to the Bernie Sanders people being really anti Trump, there are a number of disenfranchised Republicans that are opposed to Trump, too. So, I think all of that, you know, certainly hurts.

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CDC Has Maintained High US Trust; Will This Change?
Ian Explains: CDC Has Maintained High US Trust; Will This Change? | GZERO World

CDC Has Maintained High US Trust; Will This Change?

Ian Bremmer looks at how American public trust in government has fallen off a cliff in a relatively short period of time. However, public trust in one of the most critical institutions of the moment, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, remains high.

Flying blind: The US government’s pandemic response with Dr. Tom Frieden
Flying Blind: The US Government’s Pandemic Response | Dr. Tom Frieden | GZERO World with Ian Bremmer

Flying blind: The US government’s pandemic response with Dr. Tom Frieden

Former CDC director – and current CEO of the public health initiative Resolve to Save Lives – Dr. Tom Frieden joins Ian Bremmer on GZERO World to talk about how to get the Covid-19 pandemic under control in the United States (hint: we need more data). As with politics, Dr. Frieden argues, all epidemics are local. And the outbreaks crippling much of the South and Southwest need local responses. But the main failing lies at the federal level. Things won't improve (and schools won't effectively reopen) Dr. Frieden warns, until Washington alters course. That is, of course, until an effective vaccine becomes readily accessible to all Americans. Though even that will likely not be the silver bullet we all want it to be.

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Fmr. CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden on opening schools: “The key is to open them in a way that they can stay open"
Fmr. CDC Director on Schools: The Key is to Open Them in a Way that They Can Stay Open | GZERO WORLD

Fmr. CDC director Dr. Tom Frieden on opening schools: “The key is to open them in a way that they can stay open"

In a new interview with Ian Bremmer for GZERO World, former CDC Director Dr. Tom Frieden says that the single most important step to reopening schools in the fall is to control infection in the community. But as of now, too many communities across the United States have lost control of the Covid-19 virus. Opening schools will only become a possibility once a majority of people start practicing the "Three 'W's" ("Wear a mask, wash your hands, watch your distance") and local and federal governments enforce stricter protective policies. The full episode of GZERO World begins airing on US public television on Friday, August 7, 2020. Check local listings.

The evidence doesn't absolve Trump for the high US COVID death rate
The Evidence Doesn't Absolve Trump for the High US COVID Death Rate | The Red Pen | GZERO Media

The evidence doesn't absolve Trump for the high US COVID death rate

Jim Geraghty argues in a National Review op-ed that we shouldn't blame Trump for the fact that the US has one of the highest coronavirus death rates in the world. But though he's right that not everything is Trump's fault, Ian Bremmer and Eurasia Group analyst Scott Rosenstein take out The Red Pen to show that the evidence he cites to let Trump off the hook doesn't hold water.

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Florida skyrocketing COVID rates show lessons not learned: former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy
Florida Skyrocketing COVID Rates Show Lessons Not Learned: Fmr. Surgeon General Murthy | GZERO World

Florida skyrocketing COVID rates show lessons not learned: former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy

In a new interview with Ian Bremmer for GZERO World, former US Surgeon General Vivek Murthy discusses how Florida went from a relatively low number of cases to the epicenter for the outbreak. Dr. Murthy says many states where cases are currently climbing did not heed "the lessons that we learned from New York." In this portion of the interview, Murthy also discusses new therapies and treatments that are helping the most severely ill. The complete interview begins airing on public television stations across the US on Friday, July 24. Check local listings and visit for more.

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