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Ian Bremmer: How AI may destroy democracy

More than 30 years ago, the US was the top exporter of democracy to the rest of the world. But now, America has become the main exporter of the tools that undermine democracy where it is weak, Ian Bremmer said in a GZERO Live conversation about Eurasia Group's Top Risks 2023 report.

Social media and tech companies based in the US have developed what he calls "Weapons of Mass Disruption" — Eurasia Group's #3 geopolitical risk for 2023.

And guess who wrote the title? An artificial intelligence bot from ChatGPT.

To be sure, Bremmer adds, AI can be great for many things. But "no one talks about the flip side, the dangers of these disruptive technologies, until the crisis hits, until it's too late."

Read Eurasia Group's Top Risks 2023 report here.
Watch the full live conversation: Top Risks 2023: A rogue Russia and autocrats threatening the world
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From crisis to opportunity: How 4 global threats can change the world for the better

From crisis to opportunity: How 4 global threats can change the world for the better

“You must be busy these days.” I get that a lot. I’ve been focused on geopolitical risk for over two decades, and there always seems to be a crisis ongoing that people want to hear more about. And they seem to believe that today was crazier than yesterday.

But my company was created in 1998, as a bloodbath in the former Yugoslavia reached crescendo, a financial crisis engulfed Southeast Asia, and Boris Yeltsin’s Russia defaulted on its debt.

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