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US Bet On Pfizer and Moderna May Lead to Earlier COVID Vaccine Rollout | World In :60 | GZERO Media

US bet on Pfizer and Moderna may lead to earlier COVID vaccine rollout

Ian Bremmer shares his perspective on global politics on this week's World In (More Than) 60 Seconds:

With COVID vaccine near, what will the distribution look like across the world?

Well, yeah, it is quite near. I mean, we're talking about approvals coming just in the next few days for the first in the United States and indeed in other countries around the world. That means that within weeks, you're going to know people that have actually gotten vaccines, and that's pretty exciting, especially with Moderna and Pfizer showing 95% effectiveness. I guess there are a few things that I would say. The first, hearing from the coronavirus task force that everyone in the United States gets the vaccine that wants to take it by June. I think that's right. I mean, there could be infrastructure and delivery hiccups. I hope there won't be. Everyone is going to be rowing in more or less the same direction on this because everyone understands how important it is to get it done.

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The Role NATO is Playing in Fighting the COVID-19 Pandemic | NATO Secretary General | GZERO World

The role NATO is playing in fighting the COVID-19 pandemic

What role, if any, does an intergovernmental military alliance like NATO have to play in the coronavirus pandemic? Quite a big one, says Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg. "NATO's main task…is to prevent this health crisis from becoming a security crisis." How exactly does such a big organization like NATO accomplish that mission? That's a focus of his conversation with Ian Bremmer on GZERO World.

Watch the full episode: Will NATO adapt to emerging global threats?

Podcast: Will NATO Adapt to Emerging Global Threats? Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg's Perspective


Listen: The world has changed significantly since the fall of the Berlin Wall. Has the intergovernmental military alliance of NATO—which was founded to counter the Soviet threat to the West—done enough to keep up with today's landscape of global threats? Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg joins Ian Bremmer on the podcast to make the case for a modern, 21st century NATO. He'll discuss how the alliance is adapting to a variety of threats and challenges ranging from the rising influence of China to cyber warfare to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Understanding Europe’s Recent COVID-19 Surge | Dr. Ashish Jha | GZERO World

Understanding Europe’s recent COVID-19 surge: Dr. Ashish Jha

"So this is one where I'll be honest with you, I got it wrong. I really thought that Europeans had learned their lesson from that first wave, and they would never let themselves kind of be subject to another large wave of infections." Public health expert Dr. Ashish Jha tries to put the recent COVID surge across Europe into a global context. Ian asks if the alarming spike proves that the United States has not, in fact, been the outlier of incompetence when it comes to corralling the virus.

Watch the episode: Dr. Ashish Jha on COVID-19 and the dark winter to come

Ian Bremmer: How Pandemic Fatigue Is Affecting Global COVID Response | GZERO Media

How pandemic fatigue is affecting global COVID response

It's spreading. Maybe even faster and wider than the virus itself: pandemic fatigue. As infection rates in the United States and Europe skyrocket, Ian Bremmer looks at how tired we've all become of the virus. And yet, the virus does not seem to get tired of us.

Watch the episode: Dr. Ashish Jha on COVID-19 and the dark winter to come

COVID-19 and The Dark Winter to Come | Dr. Ashish Jha | GZERO World with Ian Bremmer

Dr. Ashish Jha on COVID-19 and the dark winter to come

The US election may be over but the COVID-19 pandemic rages on. During the week of the election alone, the daily US case rate shattered the pandemic's previous record, reaching well over 100,000. The grim milestone made it all too clear the biggest story of the year, and of perhaps our lifetimes, continues to be the coronavirus pandemic.

Dr. Ashish Jha, Dean of The Brown University School of Public Health, joins Ian Bremmer on GZERO World to take stock of how things got so bad (again) and how we can brace for the dark winter that awaits us.

Europe Hopes to Contain COVID Surge | Setback for Ukraine's President | Europe In :60 | GZERO Media

Europe hopes to contain COVID surge; setback for Ukraine's president

Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, shares his perspective on Europe In 60 Seconds:

With COVID increasing in France, Germany, Spain, and elsewhere, has Europe lost control of the pandemic?

Well, I wouldn't say lost control, but clearly it is a very worrying situation. With COVID increasing virtually everywhere, we see a new wave of semi-lockdowns... it's not as bad as it was in the spring... with the hope of being able to contain the surge during the month of November. Let's wait and see.

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What We're Watching: Europe's brutal second wave, protests in Iraq, tough talk from Turkey

Europe's second wave: After a brutal spring in which Europe emerged as a coronavirus epicenter, the outbreak largely subsided across the continent in the summer, allowing many Europeans to travel and gather in large groups. But now, a second wave of infection is wreaking havoc across Europe, with the region reporting more than 1.3 million cases this past week alone, according to the World Health Organization, the highest seven-day increase to date. Former coronavirus hotspots like France, Italy, Spain, and the UK are again grappling with a record number of new cases that could soon dwarf the out-of-control outbreaks seen this past spring. Meanwhile, countries like Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic that staved off massive outbreaks in the spring are also seeing an unprecedented number of new daily cases. As Europe now accounts for around 22 percent of all new COVID infections worldwide, hospitals in many cities are being swamped as many struggle to source life-saving equipment. As a result, Spain declared a national state of emergency Sunday, imposing nighttime curfews, while Italy imposed its strictest lockdown since May. Europe's Center for Disease Prevention and Control warned against complacency, noting that while transmission is mostly between younger people, keeping the death rate low, that could swiftly change if Europe doesn't get the virus in check.

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