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Steven Pinker shares his "relentless optimism" about human progress
Steven Pinker shares his "relentless optimism" about human progress | GZERO World

Steven Pinker shares his "relentless optimism" about human progress

If you follow the news closely, chances are your view of the state of the world is not super optimistic. From war in Ukraine to a warming planet to global poverty and hunger, there's plenty to get upset about. But what if things are actually getting...better? That's what Harvard psychologist Steven Pinker asks in his interview with Ian Bremmer for the latest episode of GZERO World.

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Digital natives: Redefining youth digital literacy
Digital natives: Redefining youth digital literacy | Digital Nations | GZERO Media

Digital natives: Redefining youth digital literacy

Contrary to the common notion that today's young people are inherently digital-savvy due to their exposure to technology, chief innovation officer of USAID, Mohamed Abdel-Kader says that simply knowing how to navigate social media or use a smartphone does not equate to digital literacy. In a recent GZERO livestream presented by Visa, Abdel-Kader expressed how young people are not innately able to understand the broader implications of their digital actions, including being aware of the consequences of their online posts, critically evaluating information discovered, and navigating a digital world of “fake news.”

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Annie Gugliotta

Be very scared of AI + social media in politics

Why is artificial intelligence a geopolitical risk?

It has the potential to disrupt the balance of power between nations. AI can be used to create new weapons, automate production, and increase surveillance capabilities, all of which can give certain countries an advantage over others. AI can also be used to manipulate public opinion and interfere in elections, which can destabilize governments and lead to conflict.

Your author did not write the above paragraph. An AI chatbot did. And the fact that the chatbot is so candid about the political mayhem it can unleash is quite troubling.

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Social media’s responsibility in American politics
Social Media’s Responsibility in American Politics | GZERO World

Social media’s responsibility in American politics

Former US Deputy National Security Adviser Ben Rhodes argues that one of the biggest issues in American political discourse at the moment is the lack of regulation on social media platforms. Americans believe fake news, not because they are all crazy, but because this information is being effectively presented to them as though it is fact. Biden should work with Big Tech to regulate social media, Rhodes tells Ian Bremmer on GZERO World, because the situation is worsening. "Part of what's different is the way in which social media and technology has literally made it possible for a very large chunk of this country to live in an alternative reality."

Watch the episode: Is American democracy in danger?

On Dr. Seuss and cancel culture
Ian Bremmer: On Dr. Seuss and Cancel Culture | Quick Take | GZERO Media

On Dr. Seuss and cancel culture

Ian Bremmer's Quick Take:

Hey everybody. Ian Bremmer here. Welcome to your week, life looking better every day in the United States, coronavirus land. But I thought I'd talk about, this week, all of this cancel culture that everyone's talking about right now. If you're on the wrong political side, your opponents are trying to shut you down and you take massive umbrage. I see this everywhere, and it's starting to annoy.

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Activists question Malaysia's clampdown on spoof sites

December 09, 2020 8:16 PM

KUALA LUMPUR - The shutting down of parody Twitter accountBermanaTV has raised concerns among human rights groups in Malaysia, which claim that the suspension of parodical and satirical sites fits thealarming pattern of increased censorship and restrictions on freedom of expression by the Malaysian government.

Twitter suspends Thai royalist account linked to influence campaign

November 30, 2020 7:23 AM

There were tens of thousands of tweets appeared to be from accounts amplifying royalist messaging.

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