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PYONGYANG, North Korea - A group of women visit a beach resort in Wonsan, North Korea, in September 2013. The women said they are coworkers at a clothes factory in the capital Pyongyang and their trip to Wonsan is a reward for an increase in output.

Kyodo via Reuters Connect

Your next dream vacay: Wonsan, North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Unvisited the site of the country’s long-delayed Wonsan-Kalma resort zone for foreign tourists on Tuesday and discussed opening it by May 2025, state media reported on Thursday. There’s just one problem: Who wants to vacation in North Korea?

Well, historically, a pretty decent number of people, believe it or not. In 2019, about 300,000 foreign tourists took highly controlled vacations to the Hermit Kingdom. About 90% came from China, but a few thousand Westerners forked over exorbitant fees for visas and guided tours, ethical concerns notwithstanding. Wonsan-Kalma, with its well-groomed-if-somewhat-frigid beaches, luxury accommodations, and nearby ski facilities, was originally meant to service that market.

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