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Jess Frampton

Health care: A tale of two electoral timebombs

With Americans heading to the polls in November and Canadians set to join them by October 2025, political parties on both sides of the border are busy defining the stakes of their campaigns. Key themes include the economy, immigration, and, in the US, democracy itself, with health care emerging as a particularly contentious issue affecting nearly every voter.

Pew Research Center in May found that health care affordability ranked among the top issues for Americans, with 57% saying it’s “a very big problem” and 32% citing it as “a moderately big problem” – a concern that held across party lines, but not equally. While 65% of Democrats cited it as “very big problem,” just 48% of Republicans did.

Canadians are just as concerned, with health care ranking third among the top issues facing Canada at 42% and only housing affordability/accessibility (46%) and the rising cost of living (71%) outranking it.

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