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Graphic Truth: Shots across the border
Cases of measles, a highly contagious disease that can linger in the air for up to two hours, are rising in Canada. There have been small outbreaks across Southwestern Ontario since the beginning of the year, prompting public health officials to urge Canadians to ensure they have had both their first and second vaccinations.
Projections from a team at Simon Fraser University show that vaccine coverage below 85% can lead to dozens of cases within small communities — or even hundreds if immunization rates are lower than that. Rates of getting the second vaccine have dropped from 87% in 2017 to 79% in 2023 across Canada. Getting the second dose increases a person’s immunity from 85% to nearly 100%, according to health officials.
Meanwhile, south of the border, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., a prolific vaccine skeptic, is set to be confirmed this week. He walked back some of his past statements on vaccines during his confirmation process, calling himself cautious rather than skeptical, but has continued to surround himself with influential figures in the anti-vaccine movement.
But neither his rise in influence nor the increase in anti-vaxxer misinformation has affected measles vaccination rates – at least not yet. Vaccination rates are much higher in the US than in Canada, with 95% of the population having received their second vaccine from 2019 onward.Representation of Bitcoin cryptocurrency and Indian flag.
Hard Numbers: Indian crypto tax, Peronistas vs IMF, Guinea-Bissau coup attempt, Austrian vax mandate
30: India plans to introduce a 30% tax on capital gains from trading cryptocurrencies and non-fungible tokens. Last November, the government threatened to ban all crypto transactions after the central bank warned they pose a risk to the country's financial stability.
44.5 billion: A top lawmaker from the ruling Peronista party has quit over Argentina's recent deal to restructure $44.5 billion of IMF debt. Máximo Kirchner and his mom, the powerful VP Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, both reject IMF demands to rein in spending in order to defer debt payments.
5: The president of Guinea-Bissau survived an attempted coup on Tuesday night. Had it been successful, it would be the fifth military takeover in West Africa in only 18 months after earlier coups in Mali, Guinea, Mali again, and Burkina Faso.
3,600: If you're an anti-vaxxer living in Austria, you're now on the hook for up to 3,600 euros ($4,502) for refusing to get a COVID jab. That's the stick, but here's a carrot from a Viennese brothel — one of our top 5 crazy vax incentives of 2021.FILE PHOTO of a F-35C Lightning II, assigned to the Argonauts of Strike Fighter Squadron (VFA) 147, launches off the flight deck of Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Carl Vinson (CVN-70) on Jan. 14, 2022.
Hard Numbers: South China Sea jet search, US economy surges, Cuban protesters charged, Africa gets vaxxed
100 million: The US Navy is scrambling to find a $100 million F-35 stealth fighter jet that crashed and sank soon after taking off on Monday from an aircraft carrier in the South China Sea. One expert described the Cold War-ish race to locate the remains — stocked with classified equipment — before the Chinese do as "basically The Hunt For Red October meets The Abyss."
5.7: The US economy grew 5.7 percent in 2021 compared to the previous year, the biggest annual expansion in almost four decades. While this is very good news for the Biden administration, GDP growth is expected to slow down in 2022 due to high inflation, supply chain issues, and looming interest rate hikes.
790: The Cuban government has charged 790 people with sedition and other crimes for taking part last summer in the biggest anti-government protests since the early 1990s. So far, 172 have been tried and convicted.
70:Africa is on track to vaccinate 70 percent of its 1.3 billion population against COVID by the end of the year, according to the African CDC. (So far 11 percent have been vaxxed). This might be possible in part because of declining vaccine hesitancy in populous countries like Nigeria.
Key questions about the omicron variant
Ian Bremmer's Quick Take:
Good morning everybody and I hope everyone is okay this Monday. I hope you had a happy Thanksgiving, those of you that celebrate. Of course, pretty difficult news over the weekend, and even this morning, the World Health Organization, referring to the new variant omicron of COVID as a very high global risk. And when I hear those words, obviously we get moving at Eurasia Group, a firm very much concerned about that. And indeed, this is in terms of new news about this pandemic that we've all been living with now for almost two years, this is some of the most concerning new headlines that we've seen thus far.
There are some things we know and some things we don't know, there are three things we need to know, if you want to really assess what the omicron risk represents for us and for the world: rates of infection, sickness and mortality and vaccine effectiveness. We only have strong answers about the first, which is we know that this is a lot more infectious as a variant than Delta has been, which itself was much more infectious than the original virus. And that is a very serious problem. I've spoken with a lot of the epidemiologists we know about this over the weekend, they're all extremely concerned about that.
But we certainly don't know much at all about how lethal the disease is. For example, it could be that this disease is extremely infectious and less lethal than the delta variant. And if that was the case and it became the dominant variant, it would actually not just be a non-story, it would be extremely important and good news, because it would mean a whole bunch of people would be getting infected would be developing antibodies as a consequence and wouldn't be getting very sick, especially if it turns out that also didn't mean long COVID, which again, you're not going to know for quite some time. That's the problem with dealing with a disease that we've never heard of before.
But so far, the cases that we know about are overwhelmingly from South Africa and it's a population in terms of those that have tested positive that are mostly under 30, they don't have preexisting conditions and therefore they wouldn't be likely to get sick in any case. And so you're not learning anything. Turns out most of them still have sense of smell, that's a little unusual. Most of them more exhausted, have muscle pain, that's a little unusual, but nobody that's focusing on the cases that we have information on so far have a good sense. We probably won't have a good sense for about two more weeks.
Secondarily, the people making the vaccines feel pretty confident that these vaccines will be somewhat less effective than versus delta variants, simply because this variant is so different, but how less effective, they don't know. And they won't know that again for at least a couple of weeks. That's a problem too. So what we do know though, is that there is a relatively low level of vaccination still globally. There are plenty of places that have significant anti-vax and vaccine hesitancy sentiment, including my own United States, including Russia, including most of Eastern Europe. And there are also a lot of people that are immunocompromised, which means that even if this disease isn't a risk to you as a fully vaccinated person with a booster, it's still going to lead to lots of people getting hospitalized and dying, if it turns out that this is the same level of lethality as Delta.
So we'll find that out in relatively short order. And what that means is in the near-term, you're going to have a lot more risk aversion in travel. You're going to have a significant reduction in consumer demand. That'll take inflation off in the near term, it'll reduce prices at the pump for example. What happens over the next month to three depends completely on the answer to those two questions. And if this really is a dangerous, dominant global variant, as it well could be, it's kind of like a coin flip right now, then you're going to see all sorts of additional lockdowns, you'll see problems with supply chain, which will lead to more inflation again. It will be economic contraction and all of this will particularly be felt on the backs of poorer people and lower developed countries.
A big point here is that the mRNA vaccine producers, Pfizer, Moderna, can reformulate these vaccines to respond to Omicron variant within a matter of a few weeks. They can get them approved and then roll out major distribution in the course of a few months. So by end of first quarter next year, if you're in a wealthy country, you have access to mRNA vaccines, you'll be able once again, to protect yourself, protect your loved ones.
Having said that, the mRNA vaccines are available mostly to the wealthy countries. And this is yet one more accelerant of a big gap driving wedge between wealthy countries and poor countries. It's a big problem for China, which has to maintain their zero COVID policy. Maybe they can't even hold the Olympics. This is a bad scenario, they probably can't. They are trying to develop their own indigenous mRNA capabilities. They will have them at some point over the course, probably mid 2022, and then they will start producing and rolling them out. So again, bigger economic problems for China and particularly for those countries that aren't vaccinated yet that don't have the ability to get mRNA themselves. And also don't have the money to be able to respond to the economic scarring that occurs with all of these stop, start pandemic impact on the economy, they're going to be facing the absolute worst case scenarios here. And so that's the developing world, those are the emerging markets.
One final thing I would say here is Africa, there's a lot of people that are from South Africa that are very embittered by the fact that we're putting these travel restrictions on anyone from South Africa and a number of other countries of concern that of course are countries of concern in large part because they have virtually none of their population vaccinated, very low percentages. And in the case of South Africa, they do an awful lot of testing. They're pretty good at that. And that has allowed them to find out about the spread of the Omicron variant far earlier than we otherwise would've. So yes, they are being punished.
But what's really, horribly, both ironic and sad is that of the eight African countries that the Americans have put full travel restrictions on, five of them have actually refused recent additional exports of vaccines because they are worried about their existing stockpiles expiring. Why would that happen? Number one, too much vaccine hesitancy on the ground in those countries. Number two, too many difficulties in actually distributing the vaccines across countrysides that have very, very poor infrastructure indeed. So these countries are getting hit in every which way and just sending them vaccines by itself isn't going to fix the problem. We're going to need to do much more education on vaccinations. We're going to need to improve infrastructure and distribution capacity on the ground. Heck, in South Africa you have a huge immunocompromised population because of the AIDS epidemic, which is so large still there and in many countries in Sub-Saharan Africa, which means even if they take the vaccines, their body is not able to produce the kind of immunity, the kind of antibodies that would allow people to respond effectively and not get sick and die from COVID.
You remember Colin Powell who had suffered cancer and as a consequence had been taking drugs that really reduced his immune system. He was fully boosted and older and died from catching COVID. And there's really nothing we can do about that kind of thing until we stop spread and you're not going to stop spread until the entire global population is effectively vaccinated up to speed with full antibodies.
So that's where we are, not great news. Really hoping, as I'm sure everyone is, that we'll have better news over the course of the next couple weeks, as we learn much more about this new variant. Everyone be safe and I'll talk to you soon.
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Concerns increase over Russian military activity near Ukraine
Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, shares his perspective from Europe:
What are the Russians up to with Ukraine?
Well, we don't know. But what we do know is that they are concentrating quite substantial military forces, moving towards the borders with Ukraine at the same time as they are de facto stopping the diplomatic dialogue with them. Very strong message coming from Washington and from the European capitals that they should abstain from early military operation. But you never know. It is a fairly sort of worrying situation.
Why are there anti-vaccination protests in several European countries?
Well, I wish I knew. But there are odd people who are against vaccinations for one reason or the other. Sometimes these people are against state and authority for sort of more general reason, but sometimes there are genuine worries, I guess. And this is also utilized primarily by far-right groups, creating violence in some of the countries. I hope it will not affect vaccination rates because they have to go up.
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