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Tech Companies in a Pandemic: Uber, Lyft, Zoom, Google

Tech Companies in a Pandemic: Uber, Lyft, Zoom, Google | Tech In :60 | GZERO Media

Nicholas Thompson, editor-in-chief of WIRED, provides his perspective on technology in the age of the coronavirus pandemic: How are rideshare companies like Uber and Lyft doing? Can they survive this pandemic?

They're not doing well. People are worried about getting into Ubers and Lyfts. I mean the economy is doing badly, but they have a particular problem. Will they survive? Yes, they'll survive. They're massively capitalized companies with somewhat diversified businesses. Also, I think that the autonomous revolution will be accelerated. Maybe they can take advantage of that.

Will Zoom disappear as fast as it appeared with the software now being banned by schools and companies?

No, Zoom's taking a hit because of their privacy problems, but the software is really good. People like it. So, they'll lose a few users here and there, but they're going to be fine.

Any advice or tech recommendations to help remind me what day it is?

Yeah, it is a little hard. We lose our routines. It's hard to remember, but I don't know. OK Google, what day is it?

Google: "It is Thursday, April 9th, 2020."

There we go. See you next week.