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COVID's lessons on humanity for Annabelle Santos, small business owner

COVID's lessons on humanity for Annabelle Santos, small business owner
COVID's Lessons About Humanity | Annabelle Santos, Small Business Owner

Inspiration struck Annabelle Santos when she struggled to find any products that could help soothe her baby girl’s eczema. Having grown up around plants and flowers, and with a background in biochemistry, Santos set out to make her own formula to help her daughter. Now she brings her mixtures of fruits, olive oils, and herbs to customers through her company, Spadét, which she founded in 2014. For years, she worked on her products from her home kitchen in New York City. Then, just before the pandemic hit, she got her big break: product placement in the whole northeast region of Whole Foods. In fact, her products shipped out to the stores just a week before lockdown. The pandemic was really tough on her business, but grants helped her keep afloat, and she’s looking forward to meeting with and healing customers now that restrictions have lifted.

Watch more from our conversation on how small businesses can thrive after COVID, which was recorded live on March 22, 2022.