Europe and US plan harsh measures if Russia takes action against Ukraine

Carl Bildt, former Prime Minister and Foreign Minister of Sweden, shares his perspective from Europe this week from Brussels.
Are Europe and the US really aligned when it comes to reckoning what the Russians might be up to towards Ukraine?
Well, first, we don't really for certain know what Russia is up to. The military preparations for an invasion are there. There's no question about that. But exactly how he wants to handle this politically is somewhat uncertain. He has made demands. He's put down the gauntlet against the West in a way that is absolutely extraordinary. So exactly how this will end, we don't know.
Are we aligned across the Atlantic?
I think we are. There are always some people on this side, in Europe, who have some doubts about some of the measures, but I'm quite certain that if there is an invasion, if there's a major military operation of some sort, a military aggression of any sort against Ukraine, there will be unity, and you will see fairly harsh measures or very harsh measures imposed on Russia with highly detrimental effect to development of the Russian economy for years to come.