Should Facebook take down the fake Nancy Pelosi video?
No it should not. Those videos are slowed down about 75%. They're clearly fake but Facebook shouldn't get rid of them. That's a slippery slope to violating free speech. What Facebook should do is make sure that not a lot of people see them. Free speech is not the same as free reach!
Why is the military fighting with windfarms?
Because the military likes to fly their planes low. They like the pilots to be able to practice in all terrain and wind turbines are high. So there's a standoff.
Are crime-alerting apps helpful or stressful?
They are a little bit helpful and really stressful. Problem is that the apps, and in fact security camera companies that are helping support some of the apps, have an incentive to make you afraid, so buy more security cameras. And so you check the app more often.
Is tech philanthropy just a PR play?
Not really. It is a PR play. But there's also a lot of good that comes out of it.