How nervous are Republicans about Trump's re-electability?
Very nervous. His ratings on coronavirus response are terrible. Press conference has turned into a disaster for him and he can't get out and do rallies. They're also worried about him dragging down the Senate majority. So, quite a bit of nerves in the Republican Party.
What do you think of Joe Biden's basement campaign?
It's not great. He can't get out to the voters as he'd like to, and he won't be able to for a while. Hard for him to break into the news cycle, a lot. But, it's an old saying in politics, if your enemy is killing himself, you just step out of the way and let him do it. So, he's benefiting from a lot of Trump's problems.
What are the most interesting Senate races right now?
There are a bunch. I'll mention three. Alabama Democrats may lose there, Doug Jones is not running against Roy Moore this time and it's going to be tough to hold that seat. A lot of pickup opportunities for Democrats, though, including Arizona, where they could take out Martha McSally with former astronaut Mark Kelly. In Colorado, where Cory Gardner is vulnerable, and the former Democratic governor John Hickenlooper could pick up that seat. So, Dems are in good shape in a number of places.