What does the impeachment trial mean for Senators Warren, Klobuchar and Sanders?

Politico's Ben White offers his analysis on US Politics on this special Martin Luther King Jr. Day edition of Politics In 60 Seconds:
How long do you expect the impeachment trial to last?
Well, the true answer is nobody has any idea. It depends how much wrangling there is over witnesses and whether there are witnesses. If there are, I think it could take up to a month. If there are not, it could be wrapped up within a couple of weeks. Republicans want it over by the State of the Union, which is February 4th.
What does the impeachment trial mean for Senators Warren, Klobuchar and Sanders?
Well, it's tough for them. They're going to be taken off the campaign trail. They'll have to be in Washington every day, all day for the most part, which means less time on the ground in Iowa and New Hampshire. That gives an advantage to Biden and Buttigieg. It's a tough spot for them to be in.
Finally, I wanted to wish everyone a happy Martin Luther King Jr. Day. I hope you get a chance to reflect on his legacy. Read some of his words. I was just reading "Letter from a Birmingham Jail." So much of it speaks to what's happening today and the search for justice that goes on for so many people.