What happens next, now that the Democrats unveiled two articles of impeachment against Trump?
Well, the Democrats vote almost unanimously, in all likelihood, to impeach Trump with no Republicans on board. And then he's acquitted by the Senate. Probably do get higher turnout from the Dems in 2020 because they're so angry about Trump with the failed impeachment.
Having said that, if you look at swing states, which is what matters, impeachment is considerably less popular than those national numbers that the cable news stations keep putting out there. So, on balance, I'm not sure impeachment is helping the Dems one bit. But from a process perspective, it does actually matter.
Will there be political consequences to the Russian sports ban?
Well, yeah, I mean, you know, four years of can't compete in any sports. And you know, panem et circenses, bread and circuses. You really want to be able to give the people things to cheer for. You're talking about no Olympics as a Russian, for the Russian flag. No World Cup for the Russians who hosted it last time around. On balance, this hurts Putin, whose approval has been deteriorating over the course of the last year. That will continue to have happen.
Finally, will US-Saudi relations change in the aftermath of the Florida naval base shooting?
Answer is no.